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If you want to maximize #growth then you will need to develop #strategies.

people who mastered the art of organizing their thoughts and spoke from their hearts

Over the years, I have had the opportunity to speak extemporaneously to more than 100,000 people,

It is said character is the belief in an absolute system of right and wrong, combined with the will to do what is right regardless
Pain is terrible and no one enjoys it. Sometimes we do everything possible to avoid pain at all cost but in life, pain is inevitable.
E.M Gray said “The successful person has the habit of doing the things that failures don’t like to do. The successful person doesn’t like to do
#Thinking is hard work and that is why most people don’t think. A proven worldwide statistic states that only 5% of the people on Earth do think,…
In your journey of #growth, think about others. What can you do to help others grow? Life is about adding value to others. But it’s important to realize you can not give
Your potential is not #static, it was designed to grow. But for you to grow, you must be willing to sacrifice. Nobody has ever moved up without giving up something.
#Thinking is hard work and that is why most people don’t think. A proven worldwide statistic states that only 5% of the people on Earth do think,…
Everyone is born with a gift, it does not matter whether they are aware of it or not. Public speaking is perhaps one of the profound gifts your creator has given you.
Throughout the ages, #communication has been at the heart of every human activity. During the height of Greek civilization, rhetoricians were held in high regard
In public speaking, there are other factors to consider in your preparation. These are facts that are simultaneously contributing to leveraging the dynamics of preparation.
Are you in the corporate World?

A good voice does not just exist; you have to work it out. A good voice is a mark of personal culture developed over a period of time.